Squeaks 2024

Check out each newsletter issue by clicking the links below!

Drawing of the back of an antique car - the logo for Squeaks"Squeaks" is the newsletter of the Brandywine Region. It is published at the beginning of every month and is sent, by either regular mail or email, to all current members. It contains a president's message, a member news column, a "For Sale" column, a "Calendar of Events" column, and any club member may submit articles of interest and event reports. It also often contains application forms for local events. The "For Sale" column is really a general classified section since it not only contains cars and parts for sale, but also advertisements for services offered or needed and anything else related to the antique automobile hobby. The Calendar of Events column contains information, supplied to the editor, about any event in which the members may have an interest.

If you would like a complimentary copy of the most recent issue of  "Squeaks" please send an email to braaca1957@gmail.com.





Squeaks February 2024











Squeaks January 2024